Help Me Help You


Today, we have our first "Dear Lost" letter!
In this series, people can send me letters about missions they want accomplished and I will do my best write up a timely, useful answer!!

Dear Lost,
I've been trying to figure out how to bicycle into Canada from Detroit without having to subsidize combustion engines.
Easier for the underground railroad than it is with a passport

Dear Underground,
Unfortunately, it appears that short of dismantling your bicycle and getting on a bus with it, it is currently impossible to get across to Windsor without getting into a car/bus of some kind. But, it also looks like many initiatives are going in order to improve this situation. Here is a nice article about the details of that from m-bike.org .
I will definitely be keeping watch on this situation to figure out how we can advocate for more transportation capabilities between Detroit and our sister Windsor!!
Thanks so much and good luck!

Lost on Lafayette

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