Help Me Help You


Dear Detroit,

I love you so much and yet sometimes i feel like you don't meet my needs. People tell me you are bad, they do not understand why I stay with your smelly, dirty, dangerous self. But, I just cannot and will not leave you--there is just something about the way you smell and how you always surprise me with nice little things. Like wonderful friendly people and delicious foods and pheasants in the backyard. So, even though it may be hard right now, I am going to do my best to stand by you. I am going to shop for my necessities and frivolities within the city limits. So, here, I dedicate my blog to you. I hope other people who live here will use it as a resource to find out how to get their stuff done and help me find things, too.

Most of all I just want you to know how special you are, Detroit.

Lost on Lafayette

p.s. here is a really nice ode to you: